The Standard ML Basis Library

The Date structure


signature DATE
structure Date :> DATE

The Date structure provides functions for converting between times and dates, and formatting and scanning dates.


datatype weekday = Mon | Tue | Wed | Thu | Fri | Sat | Sun
datatype month
  = Jan
  | Feb
  | Mar
  | Apr
  | May
  | Jun
  | Jul
  | Aug
  | Sep
  | Oct
  | Nov
  | Dec
type date

exception Date

val date : {
               year : int,
               month : month,
               day : int,
               hour : int,
               minute : int,
               second : int,
               offset : Time.time option
             } -> date

val year    : date -> int
val month   : date -> month
val day     : date -> int
val hour    : date -> int
val minute  : date -> int
val second  : date -> int
val weekDay : date -> weekday
val yearDay : date -> int
val offset  : date -> Time.time option
val isDst   : date -> bool option

val localOffset : unit -> Time.time

val fromTimeLocal : Time.time -> date
val fromTimeUniv  : Time.time -> date
val toTime : date -> Time.time

val compare : date * date -> order

val fmt      : string -> date -> string
val toString : date -> string
val scan       : (char, 'a) StringCvt.reader
                   -> (date, 'a) StringCvt.reader
val fromString : string -> date option


type date
An abstract type whose values represents an instant in a specific time zone.

val date : {
               year : int,
               month : month,
               day : int,
               hour : int,
               minute : int,
               second : int,
               offset : Time.time option
             } -> date
creates a canonical date from the given date information. If the resulting date is outside the range supported by the implementation, the Date exception is raised.

Seconds outside the range [0,59] are converted to the equivalent minutes and added to the minutes argument. Similar conversions are performed for minutes to hours, hours to days, days to months, and months to years. Negative values are similarly translated into a canonical range, with the extra borrowed from the next larger unit. Thus, minute = 10, second = ~140 becomes minute = 7, second = 40.

The offset argument provides time zone information. A value of NONE represents the local time zone. A value of SOME(t) corresponds to time t west of UTC. In particular, SOME(Time.zeroTime) is UTC. Negative offsets denote time zones to the east of UTC, as is traditional. Offsets are taken modulo 24 hours. That is, we express t, in hours, as sgn(t)(24*d + r), where d and r are non-negative, d is integral, and r < 24. The offset then becomes sgn(t)*r and sgn(t)(24*d) is added to the hours (before converting hours to days).

Leap years follow the Gregorian calendar. Leap seconds may or may not be ignored. In an implementation that takes account of leap seconds, the second function may return 60 or 61 in the rare cases that this is appropriate.

val year : date -> int
val month : date -> month
val day : date -> int
val hour : date -> int
val minute : date -> int
val second : date -> int
val weekDay : date -> weekday
val yearDay : date -> int
val offset : date -> Time.time option
val isDst : date -> bool option
These functions extract the attributes of a date value. The year returned by year uses year 0 as its base. Thus, the date Robin Milnerreceived the Turing award would have year 1991. The function yearDay returns the day of the year, starting from 0, i.e., 1 January is day 0. The value returned by offset reports time zone information as the amount of time west of UTC. A value of NONE represents the local time zone. The function isDst returns NONE if the system has no information concerning daylight savings time. Otherwise, it returns SOME(dst) where dst is true if daylight savings time is in effect.

val localOffset : unit -> Time.time
The offset from UTC for the local time zone.

fromTimeLocal t
fromTimeUniv t
These convert the (UTC) time t into a corresponding date. fromTimeLocal represents the date in the local time zone; it is the analogue of the ISO C function localtime. The returned date will have offset=NONE. fromTimeUniv returns the date in the UTC time zone; it is the analogue of the ISO C function gmtime. The returned date will have offset=SOME(0).

If these functions are applied to the same time value, the resulting dates will differ by the offset of the local time zone from UTC.

toTime date
returns the (UTC) time corresponding to the date date. It raises Date if the date date cannot be represented as a Time.time value. It is the analogue of the ISO C function mktime.

compare (date1, date2)
returns LESS, EQUAL, or GREATER, according as date1 precedes, equals, or follows date2 in time. It lexicographically compares the dates, using the year, month, day, hour, minute, and second information, but ignoring the offset and daylight savings time information. It does not detect invalid dates.

In order to compare dates in two different time zones, the user would have to handle the normalization.

fmt s date
toString date
These return a string representation of the date date. The result may be wrong if the date is outside the representable Time.time range. They raise Date if the given date is invalid.

The former formats the date according to the format string s, following the semantics of the ISO C function strftime. In particular, fmt is locale-dependent. The allowed formats are:

%a locale's abbreviated weekday name
%A locale's full weekday name
%b locale's abbreviated month name
%B locale's full month name
%c locale's date and time representation (e.g., "Dec 2 06:55:15 1979")
%d day of month [01-31]
%H hour [00-23]
%I hour [01-12]
%j day of year [001-366]
%m month number [01-12]
%M minutes [00-59]
%p locale's equivalent of the AM/PM designation
%S seconds [00-61]
%U week number of year [00-53], with the first Sunday as the first day of week 01
%w day of week [0-6], with 0 representing Sunday
%W week number of year [00-53], with the first Monday as the first day of week 01
%x locale's appropriate date representation
%X locale's appropriate time representation
%y year of century [00-99]
%Y year including century (e.g., 1997)
%Z time zone name or abbreviation, or the empty string if no time zone information exists
%% the percent character
%c the character c, if c is not one of the format characters listed above

For instance, fmt "%A" date returns the full name of the weekday specified by date (e.g., "Monday"). For a full description of the format-string syntax, consult a description of strftime. Note, however, that unlike strftime, the behavior of fmt is defined for the directive %c for any character c.

toString returns a 24-character string representing the date date in the following format:

"Wed Mar 08 19:06:45 1995"
The function is equivalent to Date.fmt "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y".

scan getc strm
fromString s
These scan a 24-character date from a character source after ignoring possible initial whitespace. The format of the string must be precisely as produced by toString. In particular, the functions do not parse time zone abbreviations. No check of the consistency of the date (weekday, date in the month, ...) is performed. If the scanning fails, NONE is returned.

The function scan takes a character stream reader getc and a stream strm. In case of success, it returns SOME(date, rest), where date is the scanned date and rest is the remainder of the stream.

The function fromString takes a string s as its source of characters. It is equivalent to StringCvt.scanString scan.

See Also

StringCvt, Time


In the Date structure, the time type is used to represent intervals starting from a fixed reference point. These times are always measured in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), also known as Greenwich Mean Time. The implementation of time values, however, is system dependent, so time values are not portable across implementations.

A conforming Date structure should support date values ranging from around 1900 to 2200, although they may be inaccurate with respect to daylight savings time outside the range of dates supported by time values.

Implementation note:

Implementations of this structure might use the ISO C mktime function. Some implementations of this function, when given dates that are out of range, wrap around instead of returning -1. Thus, implementations using mktime need to check the validity of a date before invoking the function.

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Generated April 12, 2004
Last Modified October 5, 1997
Comments to John Reppy.

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